Praying for an end to abortion at Planned Parenthood

Prayer Event to End Abortion – September 25, 2021

We are asking our fellow Knights to join us for a vigil on the sidewalk near Planned Parenthood to pray for an end to abortion. Remember, it is so important that you are there! Sometimes you are the only sign of hope that a woman sees before entering Planned Parenthood. Don’t forget to smile and treat everyone going by in a Christ-like manner!

Please don’t park in front of the retail stores in the mall. Thank you! Please stay on the sidewalk or the first 5 feet of the grass area and do not block pedestrians from walking by. Please bring your 40 Days for Life sign if you have one or other signs with a positive message are OK! We won’t engage those who object to our prayer vigil on the sidewalk, but will pray for them, just as we pray for the mothers, their unborn children, and the abortion workers.

Thank you! God bless you!! Please contribute one hour during the 9:00 – 5:00 time period. So as to avoid missing any time slots, contact our Knight, Jim McBride, to confirm your desired hour. Call Jim at: 858-204-9933

Click here for flyer: 40 Days KOC Flyer 2021